Hi, I’m Wayne Elliott and I would like to welcome you to LoveYourHeartDrops.

My Passion
“My passion is helping people regain and maintain their health. I believe the next few minutes might be some of the most important for yourself or someone you care about. I don’t believe Heart disease should be the number one killer in this country. I know it doesn’t have to be. My story is not unique as literally tens of thousands of people have had their life changed with Strauss Heart Drops.”
If your cardiovascular system isn’t healthy then you aren’t healthy!
US adults experience a Heart Attack each year
Average US Stroke Every 40 Seconds
Cardiovascular Disease Deaths US Annually
Average US CV Deaths Every 40 Seconds
- 90% of women have one or more risk factors for heart disease or stroke 90%
- 80% of heart disease & stroke events may be prevented by lifestyle changes and education 80%
- 65% of women who die suddenly of coronary heart have no previous symptoms 65%
- Only 54% of women recognize that heart disease is their number 1 killer 54%
- % of patients hospitalized for a heart attack have normal cholesterol levels 75%
General statistics
Since its inception, the American Heart Association (AHA) has lead efforts in research, prevention and treatment of heart disease, providing knowledge-based solutions for people of all ages.
These statistics are used by health researchers, clinicians, healthcare policy makers, media professionals and consumers, serving as a major source for monitoring the cardiovascular health of the wider population. Here are some of the latest findings.
Health Habit is Life!
It has been estimated we have over 60,000 miles of arteries, capillaries and veins running through us. Blood runs through every inch bringing oxygen, nutrients and cleansing to each part of our bodies. Our blood system is the only transportation system in our body. Eastern Medicine calls the energy flowing through us Chi. They believe the less blood flow you have the less energy you have. More blockage equals less vibrancy and declining health. Blood flow restriction has been shown to lead to many problems including diabetes, strokes, neuropathy, heart attacks, fatigue, anxiety and many other symptoms.
Heart disease is the Number one cause of death in America.

Consider what we have been told about Heart Health is wrong?
Millions of patients
Go to their doctor for a regular checkup and find out they have “HIGH” blood cholesterol. For decades the Medical industry has equated high blood cholesterol with Heart disease and an indicator of possible heart attack or stroke. As a result, Statin-type drugs were created to slow down your liver’s ability to create more cholesterol. There are of course serious potential side effects with these statin drugs. Is it wise to partially shutter our liver function with these drugs? Do they work to prevent heart attacks as they claim?

Did you know?
- Statin drugs are the largest selling drug prescriptions in the world today. They are prescribed to lower blood cholesterol.
- 75% of Heart Attack victims have NORMAL or LOW blood cholesterol, not high blood cholestrol.
Let those two things sink in for a minute. This idea is called “ The cholesterol myth“ by many.
Since 1973 major studies have shown the ear lobe crease is not only the strongest indicator of clogging arteries, but a better indicator than all others put together! Check your ear lobes in the mirror and see if you have creases on one or both ear lobes.
A Fortunate tragedy changes Heart Health forever
Chances are you have experienced a heart attack or known a loved one who has.
Jim Strauss, one of the greatest herbalists of the 20th century, had a major heart attack. It was lucky he even lived-he just happened to have been less than a block from a hospital when he suffered a massive heart attack. Instead of having open heart surgery he did what centuries of his family had done in times of health challenges. He went back to nature. The result has been nothing short of miraculous Jim and thousands of others. Several companies have tried to imitate what Jim and Pete Strauss did to heal Jim but nobody has been able to duplicate the original Strauss Heart Drops.

Strauss Heartdrops changed my life!
You have learned a little history of Heart disease and of the Heart drops. Now allow me to tell you what Strauss Heart drops did for me. More than twenty years ago I was tired, had Angina, irregular heart beat (arrythmia) and anxiety and I thought I was about to suffer the same fate as many in my family-an early death. About the time I was getting my affairs in order I got a call from one of my good friends who had recently cancelled his open-heart surgery. Of course, I wanted to know why he cancelled his operation and why he was feeling so good now. Right then is when I learned about Strauss Heart Drops for the first time. I immediately called the company and had them overnight a bottle to me. My life changed from that moment on.
I soon befriended Jim Strauss and learned first-hand from Jim and his family. I went all over with him and watched Jim give lectures on a host of natural health information. Not only was my life transformed but I saw thousands and tens of thousands of people change their lives and their family’s destiny by using Strauss products.
Listen to Wayne Elliott discuss Strauss Heartdrops
One customer even wrote they had “literally seen miracles” with Strauss Heart drops.
They are not alone…

I was sent to Vancouver General Hospital in September of 2016 for an angiogram. The results of the test were extremely scary.
The doctor recommended immediate heart surgery so my name was added to the waiting list.
While I was waiting I decided to try Strauss Heartdrops. I took it faithfully three times a day and over the next months my circulation improved so dramatically that I cancelled the surgery which is very dangerous at my age. I recently had a follow-up exam and was told that I no longer have to see a Cardiologist. I was so relieved to hear this news it brought me to tears. Strauss Heartdrops are a miracle medicine for me. I can now walk uphill easily, run fast, exercise, and go golfing without any symptoms. Thank you.
– John Yun, Former English Teacher – Pan Pacific College

Strauss Heart drops have made a major contribution to my health. Initially I saw a drop in my blood pressure and my iHeart internal age that was first noticeable about two weeks after starting heart drops. My Internal Age went from about 67 years old after about one month to 60 years old after two months it a drop to 57 years old.
I have done tai chi exercise since I was in my 30s. After starting Strauss heart drops I noticed that there was a decrease in tightness of my muscles and tendons and increasing easiness of movement. In particular I found that I could take deeper more refreshing breath’s and had increased spinal flexibility.
My energy has increased and I feel it easier to concentrate and seem to have better memory and other aspects of cognitive functioning. Heartdrops have improved my quality of life and through measurement of blood pressure and iHeart internal age have a objective benefit.
– Dr. Jess Goodman – Developer of the iHeart™ Internal Age Aortic Stiffness Monitor

After scoring poorly on two carotid artery scans Frederick Ankai-Taylor M.D. became concerned about future complications. As a medical doctor I was trained that this is an irreversible process and the only thing I can do is to change my lifestyle with the hope of slowing the progression. It was after this that I was introduced to the Strauss Heartdrops. Although I honestly did not believe that it could improve my circulation I still decided to give it a try. Since the only medication I have been taking regularly is an omega 3 capsule and the Strauss Heartdrops, I can attribute the positive changes in the carotid scan to my use of the Strauss Heartdrops. I will continue to take it and recommend it to anyone with similar concerns.
A nationwide study conducted in 2009 by the University of California School of Medicine (USA) found that “75% of patients hospitalized for a heart attack have normal cholesterol levels”(American Heart Journal, January 2009).
The Lancet (prestigious British Medical Journal) in 1994 reported that most individuals with coronary artery disease have normal cholesterol levels!
The famous Framingham study shows that ‘Our rush to lower total cholesterol levels may have been in error’. To cite the Framingham authors: “For each 1 mg/dl decrease of cholesterol level in blood, there was an 11 percent increase in coronary and total mortality.“(In other words, low cholesterol level actually increased the death rate).
Feel better or your money back
Jim Strauss used to say Nature had provided everything we need for our health.
The ingredients in Heart Drops are as simple as Mother Nature can offer. The power is in the secret formula. Strauss Heartdrops® has been designed for maximum benefit with no harmful side effects or contraindications with other drugs you might be taking. Besides that, if you are not satisfied for any reason send back the unused portion of the bottle for a full refund. Really, what have you got to lose?
Maybe the better question is…What have you got to gain?