I am very excited and pleased to share some information from Strauss Naturals with everyone. Strauss Naturals will soon have four original products available again!
I had a great deal of experience with every one of these 4 products starting many years ago with Jim Strauss. I have used every one of the products myself. Both my parents and many family used the products with successful results over many years. I had nothing but great experiences with many folks over the years with each and every one of these products and grateful they will be available again, in their original formula’s. They truly work just as Strauss Heart Drops do. More below about each one fyi.
1. Strauss Cardio Calm
Great product. This formula was created with two primary goals. To rebuild heart cells and for irregular Heartbeat (“ Arythmia”). I can tell you from personal experience, this product really works. It’s not an overnight fix, or a formula to mask your symptoms, this WORKS! In my case it eliminated my “ supra ventricular tachi cardia” ( mine was a one beat race, 24/7 for 10 years, before I took the Cardio Calm). In 3 months my irregular heartbeat was gone. My good friend Joe ( Joe had a wild irregular heartbeat, lucky for him he couldn’t feel it) it took 5 months to stop his arythmia, but did indeed. That’s over 20 years ago for me and I only took Cardio Calm once for a full 3 months. The Government claims a cure, once a person is disease or ailment free for 5 years!
Because the heart is our “ pump”, we can wear it out or harm it in many ways. Jim Strauss always said games like football, rugby and heavy weightlifting were not good for humans ( Jim yelled when I first asked why “ because we’re not horses!”). As with both Joe and I, I know many former football players with irregular heart beat and have seen them helped with this product.
It is a fact that football players that were “ down linemen” and played football for 5 years or more after High School Football, live an average 10 years less than average male population! We wear our pumps out! Alternatives including heart regulating drugs and pace makers certainly have their down sides, potential serious side effects and dangers. One of the greatest football players ever, Vince Scott Sr. was a dear friend of mine and his son Vince Jr., was my back catcher for 10 years when we were young and a very close friend. It was very sad to see Vince Sr. go downhill, after 20 years of professional football ( after Notre Dame University, Buffalo Bills, then Hamilton Tiger Cats). From the strongest man I ever knew to suffering great difficulties as his heart was unable to effectively remove the water from his blood stream and he passed at age 62 years. Cardio Calm helped me and many friends including Vince Jr, bringing his heart function back from mid 30 range to 76% in a few months. My irregular heart beat is gone for 20 years now and I continue to work with ex-team mates and other ball players who show signs their pumps are worn. Jim Strauss was correct “ WE’RE NOT HORSES”.
There are no adverse reactions whatsoever, in my extensive experience with this product and no contra indications with chemical drugs.
In my experience it is always best to take Strauss Heart Drops, when taking this or any Strauss product, to ensure blood flow is complete and natures medicines are carried throughout our bodies, in our only transportation system, our blood. So everything works better in conjunction with the Strauss Heart Drops. More on that below.
Strauss says the Cardio Calm will be sold on the basis your satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back and should be in stores by Christmas!
2. Kidney Blood Pressure Formula
Although our MD’s apparently cannot tell us which, it is only our heart or kidneys that cause high blood pressure. In my case an iridologist told me it was my left kidney and a reflexologist agreed I had an issue with my left kidney. That was over 20 years ago and for 3 months, I took Strauss Kidney Blood Pressure Formula.
Despite smoking, stress, working long hours and over eating, my blood pressure was reduced to normal levels and has stayed there since, notwithstanding working many hours for many years since.
My friend Joe had attended the Firestone Clinic in Hamilton for a small tumor on his kidney. Joe took this and other Strauss formula’s and in 6 months his tumor was gone.
My mother took meds for over 20 years for blood pressure to try and maintain levels her Dr. wanted. Strauss Kidney Blood Pressure Formula, together with Strauss Heart Drops successfully controlled her blood pressure for the rest of her life without meds.
This formula was created long ago, to kill bacteria in our kidneys. As it turns out, bacteria is the cause of a great deal of high blood pressure, when our kidney(s) is the cause and not our heart. It is said that in just over half of high blood pressure sufferers, kidneys are the cause.
If our HEART is the cause of high blood pressure, then Strauss Heart Drops have shown to reduce blood pressure within months. As with all natural products, they are better when taken in conjunction with Strauss Heart Drops in my experience. Strauss Heart Drops have shown to dissolve plaque from arteries, veins, vessels to the smallest carrying blood to our skin and ensure blood flows everywhere we have a vessel to carry it. Blood flow is our most important body function. Imagine running your car or tractor without oil circulating!
There are no side effects or adverse reactions with any pharma drugs. Mild detoxing may be experienced with occasional loose bowels as our body rids itself of the expired bacteria.
Strauss Naturals has confirmed the products all are 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
3. Prostate Formula
Another great original product centuries old!. I have extensive experience with this formula for more than 20 years now including with myself, my dad, many friends and customers.
Strauss Prostate Formula works to kill bacteria in the prostate. As with our kidneys, the prostate suffers due to bacteria from various sources. The Prostate Formula kills bacteria in our Prostate and I have witnessed amazing results. My dad had taken pharma drugs for two years unbeknownst to me, when his Dr. told him he required surgery years ago, the drugs were not working to help his prostate. Dad took the Prostate Formula for 3 months and his blood test showed a PSA count of under 2! His Dr. was amazed himself and cancelled both my father’s surgery and his pharmaceuticals both.
Another friend Jim had his prostate saved using the Strauss formula years ago and no issues since. I have countless stories about this formula just as I do for the others and since I used them myself and witnesses so many other success stories, I have no doubt and believe 100% in this natural medicine.
Like the others, there are no drug contra indications, no serious or harmful side effects and your satisfaction will be 100% guaranteed.
4. Bladder Formula
This is another great original formula from generations ago. The formula kills bacteria in our bladder. In my experience personally, with my mother, aunts, cousins and countless others, this formula is very effective. Many of us get up more than we’d like through the night to urinate. After a few days using this formula, I found I had to get up much less, from 4-5 times per night, down to one.
Our Bladder is very slow to accept medication as a rule, but with this natural formula, I found with myself and most others, results started quickly. It will be recommended a person take this formula for a min 3 months, as with Prostate, Cardio Calm and Kidney Blood pressure for best results.
You don’t want just to deal with symptoms, best case is to eliminate the problem!
I am currently working with a dear friend with bladder cancer. I suggested he take 4-5 fresh lemons per day ( lemons are a great way to shift the body’s PH from acidic to alkaline, making cancers hard to grow. He is taking the Bladder formula as well for almost 3 months. He told me yesterday he is feeling good and his recent test showed his tumor had shrunk.
No side effects, no contra indications with any chemical drugs, satisfaction guaranteed—NO RISK WHATSOEVER!
Jim Strauss always said “ if you are not made from it, it cannot fix you”. He said “ to expect chemical drugs to fix or cure you, is like trying to fix your car using 2 x 4 lumber- you need parts the car is made from, just as you need cells you are made from to fix you”. To actually fix ourselves, we need cells that come from the same place we do. In their defense, pharmaceuticals do not claim to fix or cure anything.
Personally I don’t believe truer words were ever spoken, now over 20 years without so much as an aspirin myself!
My grandmother always told me, if something isn’t natural, it’s not good. I’ve never doubted she was right too.
I am really excited to speak with folks about the Original products coming available and of course the Strauss Heart Drops, which if not for them, I wouldn’t be here and that’s a fact!
You won’t need tests to know you feel better!