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I love Radio Shows!

I really enjoyed radio shows this week especially guest speaking on two new shows I have not done before.

Both were with Doctors. Dr. Garko on his 90 minute show “Let’s Talk Nutrition” show in Florida and Dr. Kroupa’s 2 hour show from Houston Texas.

These Doctors are well aware of natural remedies and medicines, and the effectiveness or efficacy available with formulas made using natures own plants and herbs.

I was also on the Jeff Rense show on the Rense Network late night last week. I really enjoyed Jeff and our conversation as I did with the Doctors.

Great hosts all of them and I look forward to being a regular guest on each show.

In Canada I’ve been doing shows in Owen Sound, Chatham and Welland.

Starting in January I’ll be doing 14 radio shows in Canada monthly and 12 in the United States including the Power Hour with my good friend Daniel Brigman.

At the same time, 700- 900 commercials per month will play across Canada coast to coast.

I’m very excited about the original products Strauss is manufacturing again and that will be available this winter. The goal of all the radio shows and ads is to help attract many people who are ailing and who I know would greatly benefit from the use of Strauss products. When I can help someone feel better it makes me feel great!

It’s a quadruple win. People get well, Government saves money on health care, the youth have a better chance if their parent(s) don’t suffer heart disease or stroke, and no unhappy customers given the Strauss satisfaction guarantee.

I can talk about it until the cows come home, and then go away again! It’s so rewarding to be some part of people getting or staying well. It’s my favorite thing I do, period, no contest.

The Strauss formula was proven to me 20 years ago, as me, family members, friends and thousands of customers got well and didn’t need pharma drugs for life.

It’s important to realize natural substances with natural cells are the only substances that can possibly heal, cure or fix health problems. In big Pharma’s defence, they don’t claim to cure one thing, nor do they.

Who has ever heard a Doctor say “Mr. Smith your blood pressure is normal, so you can stop the medications I have you taking”. Never once as far as I know and can’t since pharma drugs only deal with symptoms, not the problem itself and cannot fix a body made from different cells.

Jim Strauss always said “To expect chemical drugs to fix us, is like expecting the lumber yard to fix our car with 2 x 4’s”!

Jim was right, the car needs components it’s made from and so do we. Not man-made chemicals, but, rather natural cells we’re made from.

Natural ingredients are safe as well, chemicals are not, and in big Pharma’s defence again, they give us the warnings and all the potential dangerous side effects.

Even poisonous herbs take a long period or large amounts to seriously harm or kill us. Not so with chemicals. A little dab’l do ya.

Those statin drugs for cholesterol???!

First off, they remove no plaque and do not claim to.

Second, they shutter or partially shut your liver’s function down, to produce less cholesterol (our liver produces it because we need it but what about the other countless liver functions?) Shut them down too? A very dangerous drug, I’m not intentionally slowing down any body function thanks!

Clinical studies to me prove the drug is a failure. It helps less than 2% or people of that take it!

Sadly no drug study I’ve ever read, as part of the study criteria, at the beginning, middle, or the end asked the study candidates how they feel. I think how we feel is pretty important.

Blood thinners are another drug that drives me nuts! If the creator intended us to have watery blood, we would. Thinning our blood is western medicine’s way of dealing with blood clots and narrowed arteries, veins and heart valves. Blood thinners can make people very weak and mentally not clear. I experienced it with my own father, until I found out the hospital had him on thinners. When they stopped at my insistence, my dad was lucid again the next day.

Unfortunately the Doctor and student Doctors (at McMaster in Hamilton, ON) had learned something but as I said to him and his students, the crying shame is he’ll not mention what he just learned about blood thinners and seniors (after being sedated or put into a coma as they had done with my father with pneumonia, then lung cancer) to anyone else. The next patients will get blood thinners, another huge selling drug.

I’ll stick with my original equipment, how about you?

Signing off

Stay well

Wayne Elliott