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It never ceases to amaze me (actually it pisses me off) how “ Western Medicine” can take something so good and muck it up.

Take the case for CBD oil, as yet I believe, although now legal in Canada, it is only legal for Canadians if made in Canada.

I’ve taken CBD oil (mostly from the USA until recently available in Canada) for 18 months now with wonderful results personally. My arthritis (neck, hands, sternum and lower back) is 75-95% relieved (I have no idea if it is healing or healed, but I sure am pleased to be comfortable most all the time now). I almost never need to crack my knuckles now and my aches and pains are really diminished elsewhere in my body. I broke a lot of bones, some more than once (i.e. ankles 3 times each) and I now suffer very, very little with pain. I also stretch most every day and use an exercise ball to stretch, adjust my back, do crunches and sometimes pushups on the ball. I use the CBD oil externally on my forehead for “ pre-skin cancer” they said I had 10 years ago, nicely controlled and possibly eliminated using the CBD oil in 1000 mg formula.

I urged two friends with nerve damage and who had extreme burning pain to try CBD oil. Like a miracle neither takes pain medication any longer, none!

Both are now on serious rehab work to walk and live better.

Many people have reported serious improvements in their condition and health using CBD oil. It is already a large industry in USA and early studies have shown it is effective for many ailments. The largest study done about two years ago in EU on CBD and THC was so conclusive, both were legalized immediately. I can’t recall now if Switzerland or Sweden?

You can get CBD by prescription in Canada, but from what I’ve learned and heard, I wouldn’t bother. When my friend told several of his elderly building mates about his good fortune with CBD oil, they asked their Doctor for some. Each were prescribed 0.5 mg, that 1/2000th concentration my friend and I take. Its like trying to help a starving man with a kernel of corn!!

When the ladies complained to my friend the CBD didn’t work for them, he looked at they’re prescriptions/bottles and discovered the 0.5 mg. When the ladies returned to the Doctor’s, they were told there isn’t enough science as yet on CBD and the Doctors were afraid of harm with more CBD! So, the ladies continue with their opioid prescriptions and feel poorly. It’s a crying shame, I believe in the interests of Western Medicine, with mega billions in pharma sales, high hospital and medical costs, Doctor shortages (why not open a few more seats in our medical schools, instead of charging foreign students double, whereby they may leave Canada with their licenses for more money in the USA or elsewhere?) and health care costs approximately 40% of Ontario’s net income..

When Western medicine does accept something works ( ie: oxidized silver), they make it very expensive and unnatural (i.e. silver bandages now used).

White willow bark is what is in aspirin to relieve pain. Why the chemicals which can burn our stomach are added, I don’t know? I’ll continue to use white willow bark and forget the baby aspirin daily as well I take Strauss Heart Drops, so I’ll NEVER take a statin drug or blood thinner.

I can only hope Doctors will prescribe useful doses of CBD oil sooner rather than later. It can help millions of people (not using 0.5 mg) and save our country billions. I know an 82 year old lady, who no longer takes her seven medications, but only CBD oil.

With virtually every disease on the rise, one might think our health guru’s would take alternative medicine more seriously and quit using mega million dollar studies (minimum 50% government funded) as an excuse to delay what has proven to work and cannot harm anyone.

40 million dollars every day in hospital care for stomach ailments. Sauerkraut can fix most of them for $3. (my dad was in Cleveland clinic in Fort Lauderdale years ago and over nite was better with sauerkraut and left the hospital) —actually Jim Strauss told me this when I called and talked with him the second time before we met, the first time healed my dog.

Health Canada will continue to pay for less (chiropractor, eye doctor no longer eligible) of our health care needs, notwithstanding costs will rise annually, a guarantee whether anyone is cured or not).

Government agencies including school boards and hospitals have an annual budget. If they don’t spend it, it is subject to being reduced the following year, so guess what never happens?

Our marine company, twenty years ago, once had a call from a local hospital needing some asbestos removed by a certain date. It was a small job and our quote in total was under $4000. The person in charge called us to a meeting and asked if we could charge some $300,000 for the job. When our company refused they hired a Hamilton contractor known to me, who charged them $350,000!


I WROTE TO Premiere Ford last year, to let him know we have had more health cards (1.3 million more), than people who should legitimately have one. This has been known for over 20 years by the government and yet, I still have my original picture free health card. I keep it so I’ll know when the Government finally does something about all the fraud costing us billions annually (you wouldn’t have an illegitimate card unless you had a person not entitled to care in Ontario, or, wanted lots of prescription drugs, so extra cards help with any “friendly” Doctors, who are willing to prescribe opioids, etc.)

Premiere Ford replied to my letter thanking me and copying our Ontario Health Minister. I did hear everyone had to have a picture card this year. I hope so as it’ll save Ontario and Canadian taxpayers billions per year!

Our creator gave us brains and some common sense. I urge everyone to play at least some part in your health care decisions. Keep in mind our bodies have no equipment to handle man made chemicals and that for anything to heal us, we must “ be made from it”, in other words, only cells we are made from naturally can actually fix us. Don’t trust our government is necessarily looking out for our best health interests. Big Pharma has more government lobbyists, than a dump has sea gulls!

Happy Healthy Day Friends!