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Dear Premier Ford:

I wanted to write and first say I appreciate the job you are doing as our Premier. Your experience in both business and politics is serving Ontario well. As an Ontario entrepreneur in my 50th year in business, I recognize you fully understand the economy and importance of looking ahead, while dealing with the Coronavirus. The majority of citizens will indeed survive and our economy needs to as well.

It is hard to believe the reliance Ontario and Canada and much of the world has on products made in China, a Communist country and historical enemy to democracy. I pray fellow citizens become more aware of this and realize it is not in our interest long term to trust and rely on China and its products, exporting jobs all the while. One only need compare the job situation today for young graduates in Ontario and Canada, compared to when you or I entered the work world decades ago. If Canada is to continue to accept immigrants, we need jobs for them and their willingness to work, as did the immigrants that built Canada. Those brave immigrants asked only permission to come and make a life here, under our laws, accepting our great mixed culture. It will take great effort to bring industry and jobs back to Ontario and our Government will have to lead the way and invest wisely going forward, not the least of which, help manage the financial carnage underway to so many families and enterprises already – a truly enormous challenge. My money is on you sir.

Thank you for your response to my last letter (October 28, 2018), regarding Ontario Health Cards and fraud ongoing. I have seen new cards will be required, however I have used my old, no photo ID card as recently as January this year. As mentioned I intend to use it to know when the Government finally makes the change and save tremendous cost (read years ago 1.3 million cards more than Ontario residents entitled to have them). Penny saved…… and we’ll need lots of them. Just as importantly, perhaps our hard working Doctors and Nurses will be more available to legitimate card holders, once the fraud is stopped.

Thank you for your consideration and leadership Premiere Ford. I believe Canada would do well with you as Prime Minister.

Best in good health to you and yours,

Wayne Elliott