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The information below was sent to me via email from a medical research group in Mexico. I am republishing with permission from the writer.

Hi Wayne,

Good morning.

I send you below what I talked to you on the phone last week.
The University of the Tecnológico de Monterrey (TEC) has Universities throughout Mexico and Three Hospitals. In these Hospitals they carry out research studies called “Tec health national program”. This Program has an Area for COVID-19 In the last weeks they have received Many Patients with COVID-19 and some of them in very critical condition.

Two key points that they have implemented in their Protocol for COVID-19 are:

1.- They do not put breathing tubes on all patients
2.- They lay them on their stomachs.

Using the above and with other steps contained in their Protocol, no deaths have been reported from patients.

In their studies they have found that patients with COVID-19 do not die of Pneumonia from Pneumonitis (Bacterial Pneumonia or Viral Pneumonia). Rather, patients die from thrombus infarctions, thrombus strokes, or Mini Strokes. This is known as “Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation”.
When patients present the aforementioned conditions, they generate inflammations in many parts of their bodies.

This is where I see that Strauss HeartDrops can help Recovery or use for prevention.
The Study comment that people who have been taking anti-inflammatory drugs or some type of anticoagulant have not died and recover more quickly (including patients 80 years old). In the attached document I send a medical description of the above.

Also I want to thank you for your help.

Best regards,

Attached Document:

Sepsis is a complication of infectious diseases, especially bacterial, which is associated with an activation of coagulation, characterized by increased thrombin generation and decreased body’s natural (anticoagulant) defences.

The concept of immunothrombosis is used to describe the interaction between the immune system and the coagulation system in response to an infection by microorganisms, to prevent its spread. When these mechanisms are indiscriminately activated, as a consequence of a systematic infection, a condition called DISSEMINATED INTRAVASCULAR COAGULATION (DIC) occurs, characterized by the presence of massive deposits of fibrin in the circulation, leading to organic damage and worsening the prognosis of the patients. A link between the severity of coagulopathy, organ dysfunction, and patient mortality has been demonstrated.

The current pandemic caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus represents a good example of viral infection associated with a systemic inflammatory response and activation of coagulation in symptomatic patients. Although, as previously indicated, DIC is a recognized complication of bacterial infections, coronavirus infection can also cause it and condition thrombotic phenomena in various territories. For example, episodes of ischemia in the fingers of the lower extremities that can cause gangrene have been described.

Very recent results obtained from patients in the Wuhan area of China have shown that D-dimer, a marker of thrombin generation and fibrinolysis, constitutes a relevant prognostic index of mortality. These studies indicate that D-dimer levels higher than 1000ng / mL are associated with an 18-fold higher risk of mortality, to the point that they are currently included in the screening of all symptomatic COVID-19 positive patients. The fact that a coagulopathy is present in these patients has promoted antithrombotic strategies, especially in patients who enter the ICU and / or show organ damage or ischemic episodes, as previously described. Although the best antithrombotic strategy has not yet been established, it seems that low molecular weight heparins at prophylactic or intermediate doses should be indicated in these patients after admission to the ICU or when D-dimer values are 4 times higher than normal, with therapeutic anticoagulation being reserved for cases in which it is objectified. a clear local or systemic thrombotic pathology. The role of other strategies such as the use of antithrombin concentrates (only when their levels are below 50%) or thrombomodulin (not marketed in Spain) for the treatment of DIC continues to be controversial. reserving therapeutic anticoagulation for cases in which a clear local or systemic thrombotic pathology is observed.

In summary, properly selecting the candidate patient for antithrombotic therapy is essential to improve prognosis and reduce COVID-19 related mortality.