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Good for us or Not?

I know labels and advertising can be confusing and sometimes intentionally. For example, beware of food products advertising “low fat”. They are not lying, but what they replace fat with is refined carbs, or sugars. So these products often make us fatter and the fat removed (something our bodies can better handle), than the sugars added. If you read label ingredients thoroughly, you will be surprised.

Take tomato and vegetable juices. Sounds healthy, labels are colourful showing fresh vegetables, etc., but you will see the various brands contain between 20-27% salt! Therefore, for every quart you drink, you drink approx. a full glass of table salt. Mixed drinks such as Caesar’s, bloody Mary’s one might think healthier, think again. Wheat, one of the world’s staple foods in past, like corn, is no longer healthy for us. Health Canada gave one short blurb years ago about that. They are not natural corn or wheat any longer. They are GMO (genetically modified organisms), or manmade food.

Jim Strauss always claimed GMO foods lack certain enzymes and minerals contained in natural foods. Nature cannot be duplicated, as we know, so to think we can produce food as well as nature, is a pipe dream 100%. Further, our soils are depleted of minerals, vitamins and acids necessary to grow healthy produce. Instead, we often use many chemicals, including pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, chemical fertilizers, but still cannot replace all of what is missing compared to natural foods. It is more difficult than ever to eat natural foods, as 93% of products in large grocery chains, are or contain GMO’s.

Animals grown for our meats are seldom drug free any longer. Beef cattle are given antibiotics not because they are sick, but to grow faster. Chickens and pigs are fed “super protein” foods, which often contain dead stock. Do you ever wonder why people are bigger today than 40 years ago? Wonder why young girls develop much faster physically these days? We are what we eat, there is no doubt.

Jim Strauss always said, “Never put something on your skin you wouldn’t eat”. Our skin is our largest organ and one way various things can get into our blood.  Makes me wonder if make up, antiperspirants, hair dye, unnatural skin creams, etc., are part of the tremendous rise in cancer cases over the past 40 years. Even though we cover ourselves with clothing, our pores are still able to breathe and operate as created. “Coating “our skin, scalp with some of these products regularly, means they are getting into our blood. Humans have no equipment in us to handle manmade chemicals, or anything unnatural. We just were not built for them and they did not exist until the past century or so. Natives did not use chemical based products in their makeup. There are so many females in work places compared to years ago and many wear makeup daily. Some antiperspirants contain aluminum oxides. With all we do know about aluminum and human health, find a natural solution if you want one at all.

“If you are not made from it, it cannot fix you”. Famous quote by Jim Strauss, referring mainly to pharmaceuticals with manmade chemicals, our bodies have no equipment to safely handle. Pharma drugs generally treat symptoms and seek to CHANGE or ALTER our body’s functions to deal with symptoms, such as high blood pressure. If they were a fix, we would be advised to stop taking them once better, but instead so many are on pills for life, which some today consider the leading cause of death. Good Natural foods and natural supplements and formulas, help support our bodies organs and functions, to work as they were created.

Jim always felt ( and I 100% believe), statin drugs for cholesterol plaque are the most insidious drugs on the market today, as well as being the largest selling drugs at over US$58 Billion annually. They do not even claim to remove so much as one grain of plaque, but rather “shutter” your liver to produce less cholesterol. Therefore, you should not expect to improve how you feel, or a lack of energy from taking statin drugs. The bigger danger in partially shuttering an organs function is our liver has many functions. Drug manufacturers warn to have a monthly blood test, to check for liver enzymes or liver health. I have not heard 1% of folks I have talked to over 25 years who have that blood test monthly, or ever.  I have seen people very bloated looking as though filled with air, such as a former football coach of mine. I chose Strauss Heartdrops instead and have not taken one pill for anything in almost 25 years. Heartdrops have proven to safely dissolve cholesterol plaque from our arteries, veins, to the tiniest to our eyes and skin. If you have diabetes, angina, had bypass surgery, blue lips or skin, please consider Strauss Heartdrops for yourself. You are safe and the company guarantees your satisfaction, so you have nothing to lose and your life to get back as I did.

Our immune system is our defence dept. and our lymphatic system like our infantry. A weakened or suppressed immune system can lead to many ailments and schedule A diseases, including cancers, viruses, cold and flu’s and most everything in between. We need enough good food, exercise, fresh air, good supplements and less packaged foods (high in salt and sugars), sitting idle, stressing, smoking, drinking alcohol, chemicals (surround us today including in our homes). Friends and family help us a lot as humans are social creatures.

Clean tissues and organs are the best prevention against disease of any kind. How long would you stay in your kitchen if you never took out the garbage? Why not cleanse, detox and kill bacteria in our bodies? Strauss Naturals formulas have shown to do just that. How long would your car run, if you did not change the oil and filter? Your furnace or tractor?  Imagine the outside of our bodies if we never washed. Your health is your wealth; make no mistake about that friend.

We humans are supposed to urinate not more than 8 times in 24 hours. Are you troubled with incontinence? Disturb your sleep getting up multiple times nightly? Still tired in the morning? Cleanse your urinary tract, bladder, kidneys and for men prostate and see the difference in yourself, most within one week! You may be surprised how much better your sleep is, where you get that good REM sleep (Rapid eye movement), as that is where the healing and proper rest is. Check out Strauss Bladder, Kidney and Prostate formulas. Tried and true over many years, you will not be sorry.

Consider eating right for your blood type. There are several books on the topic. I read DR Jay Adamo’s book “Eat Right for your Blood type”. Not only will it likely help indicate which type you are by personality description if you do not know your blood type, but also you get to focus on two main groups of foods for your type. “Highly beneficial” (like medicine to you) and “foods to avoid” ( like poison to you). As a type O, which I am, I will give some examples.

Highly beneficial foods include pumpkin seeds, walnuts, figs, prunes, plums. Foods to avoid include cucumbers, black or white pepper, cashews, shell fish.  Neutral foods are just nutritious foods for you.

The book will tell you the food groups including beverages, condiments, fruits, nuts, meats, vegetables and all.

Some may surprise you such as type O’s should not eat cauliflower or Brussels sprouts. They can make us fat! Hard to believe. To start eliminate something you use daily and see if any difference when you stop. I used black pepper my favorite spice. Less gas the first day, I found. You may in fact be allergic to some foods, as I am to honey for example. Always best to avoid those of course.