I have so many stories about so many people I have personally been involved with regarding their health, their pharma drugs and their experience with Strauss Heart Drops and other great formulas over these many years. Although I have mentioned many during radio shows, I realize there are so many untold stories that I love to share. I am compelled to start with my mother and father’s stories.
My father was told at age 60, he would suffer “ hardening of the arteries”, just as his mother had suffered for many years with severe dementia to a point that for the last 5-6 years, you could really only say she was still alive, but in a state many have referred to as a “ vegetable”. I remain grateful I still remember my grandmother as she was before her mind left her. At the same time, Dr’s at Boston Medical Center told my dad he needed by pass surgery due to clogged arteries.
I convinced my dad to take Strauss Heart Drops and see how he felt and would hopefully avoid the intrusive open heart surgery. When he returned to Boston several months later and feeling much better with increased energy, it was the heart surgeon that told my dad tests indicated his arteries were clearing and the surgery was unnecessary. My dad continued to take SHD until he died at age 77 ( of lung cancer) and, his mind was sharp as a tack until the day he died. He didn’t suffer any sign of dementia whatsoever.
Luckily dad was easy to convince, given the Strauss Prostate formula had saved him from losing his prostate. I didn’t know he had been on medication for two years for Prostate, but after 3 months on Strauss Prostate formula, his P.S.A. count was very low and after testing, etc, he was told he didn’t need either surgery or drugs any longer. The Dr. said it was a miracle!
My mother suffered high blood pressure, diabetes and as we later learned had experienced 7 “ mini strokes”, over twenty five or so years. Mom started taking SHD years ago and didn’t suffer any damage or lasting effects from any of the strokes Dr.’s told her she’d had. After many years on blood pressure medication, mother took Strauss Kidney Blood Pressure formula for 3-4 months and no more BP medication again. My mother passed at age 87 and took no medications at the time of her death, walked every day and lived healthy. I couldn’t convince her to stop taking Metaformin for type 2 diabetes, until she was in hospital over dehydration and during her stay the hospital had her on both metaformin and insulin together. Both mfg’s state clearly it is one or the other. After that she was convinced and took only the SHD for her diabetes. My mom never suffered any of the symptoms you so often hear diabetics suffer.
I know that like me, both my parents lived a longer and much healthier life after taking Strauss Heart Drops. Both were taking only natural supplements at the time of their death such as full spectrum minerals, SHD and oxidized silver for eyes and colds.
My friend Nick had open heart surgery 15 years ago in Hamilton. Afterward Nick had “ frozen shoulders”, which is apparently not uncommon after open heart surgery. Nick was taking the usual ½ dozen pharma drugs given to heart patients ( statins, blood thinners, blood pressure, etc). Unfortunately it wasn’t long before Nick had to retire from his work as a master welder/fitter. I watched for several years as he went from the couch the several feet to the kitchen table, have a cup of tea and back to the couch. Many times I urged Nick to try Strauss Heart Drops to no avail during that time.
Then his DR suggested he try a new pill, which combined the statin drug (cholesterol) and the blood thinner. What I couldn’t believe was, Nick agreed to try the new pill, even after his Doctor told him it would likely make him feel ill for 2-3 weeks. I couldn’t understand why he didn’t just stay on the pills he was taking, but he tried the new pills. Sure enough, the new formula made him feel very ill, just as the Doctor said it would. That was enough to do it for Nick. Despite my telling him some of the meds he was taking were dangerous to suddenly stop and he’d be better to reduce them over a period of months while taking the SHD, Nick stopped them at once, he was sick of feeling weak and tired and told me he’d rather die than continue to live like that.
Three weeks after stopping the pharma drugs and starting large doses of SHD, Nick travelled with me to Nova Scotia to prepare a Navy ship to tow to Ontario for recycling. Nick and I walked miles every day and stayed at the top of Citadel Hill in Halifax, approximately 6 blocks uphill!
Nick went back to work as a welder fitter for another 6 years and now works part time at age 72. But he does feel alive again and still enjoys working and being a part of a team of tradesmen. Nick has not taken so much as an aspirin in these years and says he never will take another pill again. Still says he’d rather die than live like that again. Nick and I just returned from Nova Scotia last week again, during which he helped the crew there using his skill and expertise. I appreciate how alive my friend feels again and his ability to enjoy himself, energy to work when he wants to and is enjoying life again.